Thursday, December 16, 2010

Buffy S2E2 Some Assplay Required

In which some graverobbin necrophiliacs dig up some corpses and get bizay.

Buffy and Angel dance a little cockteasing tango for the umpteenth time. Just start umping already you two. Vampire D in slayer V, it’s totally natural. I mean c’mon already, it’s like “Slayer? I hardly even know ‘er!”

I can’t believe it’s taken me 14 episodes to make that joke.

Speaking of jokes, Whedon and company have not taken their foot off the quipperator pedal, dropping mad jokes all over this bitch. Since I’m such a fan of sarcasm, I can say with out a doubt that it most definitely doesn’t gets old. I can never get enough of these sarcastic comments. It’s an unslakable thirst for that sweet sweet sarcasm that I crave. Oh god, please, just give me more sarcastic comments! IF SARCASTIC COMMENTS WERE KIMCHI, I’D BE SOUTH FUCKING KOREA!


This time, Sundrydale High is being plagued by two losers who are robbing graves to build a hot Frankenstein babe. I figured from the episode’s title, Some Assembly Required (they really need to do a better job of not telegraphing the plot with those), that we might be getting a Frankenstein MOTW and I must say, it’s about damn time. Frankenstein is the best of all the classic monsters. And don’t give me any shit about Frankenstein being the name of the scientist and that the giant, hilarious, slow talking golem is technically Frankenstein’s Monster. Phooey, I say. Take your literature and shove it, I’m calling that fucker Frankenstein and there ain’t shit you can do about it. Plus you know I’m right. Beyotch.

So the two shits are about to kill Cordelia so that one of the shit’s dead brother who they brought back to life can have an undead girlfriend. But guess who stops them? That’s right, Buffy’s hot tits. Touchdown.

Actually more like just barely. Frankenstein was about to totally kill Buffy but then Frankenstein has a crisis of conscience and just walks himself into a fiery suicide. Lucky.

Oh and pederast Giles’ balls finally descend and he finagles a date from hot ass sexy Comp Sci teacher (Ms Calendar maybe?) no doubt hastening their eventual porking.

Also the Sonnydael High School football team’s uniforms are maroon and yellow just like the asshole Washington Redskins. Barf.

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