Monday, April 4, 2011

Buffy S7E16 Orgysmellers

In which that twerp better get that camera out of Frank Castle’s face before he makes him eat it.

Is this whole episode going to be narrated by this chode? The former evil geekwad Andrew? Hah, no, Anya interrupts Anjru as he narrates into a hand held camera in the bathroom, pretending like he’s on some master’s piece theatre. Then Anya asks why doesn’t he spend all his time in the toilet pleasuring himself like everyone else does. Haha, that made me laugh. Also the thought of Anya diddling her twat in the bathroom is incredibly sexy. Anya, if you need any extra fingers in there, just let me know. I think I need to go spend some time in the bathroom myself now.

Bitches love cereal. This is a fact according the Buffandra Show.

I forgot how gnarly Dark Wilload’s varicose veins were. Don’t they have a cream for that? Unless she wants to become an elementary school teacher, in which case she should keep them, as I’m pretty sure they’re a prerequisite for employment.

Haha, fake principal Blackmon has a “flesh” colored band aid on his head. Try again, Band-Aid™.

Wacky shit is going on in Countrytime High School, just like the first 3 seasons, except all at once. One kid even explodes. I mean literally. Kaboom. Now he’s all Huey Louie and the Gooey Kablewie. Remember that one from Calvin and Hobbes? I thought of it probably because they slaybies were eating a box of Sugar Bombs. Why they weren’t of the chocolate frosted variety is unknown.

The whole former evil geekwad as unreliable narrator/mockumentarian works pretty well. I’m enjoying a greater percentage of the show than usual anyway. The cutaway gags aren’t as good as Family Guy or 30 Rock (at least when those shows are clicking) or even Scrubs, but it’s still all right.

Condordael High is doing a very convincing impersonation of Eastside High. Where is Crazy Joe Clark when you need him? Sams! Sams!

When is stabbing a guy to death not murder? When you’re just trying to scratch his back from the front. Hey, another decent line. Another point for the Buffandra Show writers! Huzzah!

Only the tears of a frightened former evil geekwad can slow down the Hellmouth, so Buffy pretends she is going to stab asshole Andre with a knife so he’ll cry on the seal and close it up. Me, I would have required the piss of a terrified spaz to get the job done, and then held a phone book to his chest and shot him with a low powered hand gun in order to get the water works flowing. Seriously, this show just does not have enough piss in. Not by a long shot.

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