In which some slut gets all up in Xanders junk way too fast and he tells her to chill out but for some reason that makes her want him more and next thing you know she’s like ‘we have to talk Xander, it’s important’ and he’s all like, ‘well i’m busy’ but then she’s like ‘I’M PREGNANT XANDER, AND IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTER IF YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE BUT YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT OUR BABY’ and Xander’s all like ‘but I pulled out!?!’
One of my favorite things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer is when they go to the Bronzer and watch Oz’s band When the Dingo Raped My Baby play and the lead singer sounds like the guy from Creed and wear’s a cut off belly shirt that shows off his chubby mid-section. So great. So fucking great.
My other favorite thing about Buntcake the Van Dryer Sprayer is all the dudes with long floppy hair, parted in the middle of their foreheads so it looks like butt cheeks. Holy fuck I live for that shit.
Oh look, fru fru British Vampiner Spike is back. You can tell he’s British because he says ‘bloody’ and ‘sod off’. ENGLAND EXPECTS THAT EVERY VAMPIRE WILL DO HIS DUTY.
Haha, doody.
The fraternity where Buffy goes is Gamma Alpha Phi. GAF. More like Gamma Alpha Upsilon, am I right? That spells GAY right? Maybe it doesn’t. Who gives a shit anyway, fraternities are for garbage eaters and silent rapists.
Shitty band no.2’s lead singer has X’s on her hands. Straight edge X’s on the backs of your hands are the worst thing ever. I remember assholes in college trying to be rawkin and punk and show off how they don’t need to be drunk to mosh pit and THEY WERE AWFUL PEOPLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION. The only time it is acceptable to straight edge your hands is if you tattoo that shit on and then inject heroin directly into the cross. Also hair-ron is the best way to say heroin.
The tension from Buffy and Spike’s big fight is obviated by the fact that I saw them both on the cover to the season 7 DVDs in Netflix. Oh well. SPOILER ALERT EVERYBODY.
It’s always funny to watch the fight scenes when you know that Buffy’s stunt double is some skinny dude in a blond wig and fake boobs. That must be a big moment in your career.
So this episode was all about relationships and what happens when two people have sex and when one sexual partner likes the other sexual partner in ways that aren’t reciprocated. And also how women get clingy as shit after porking. One time I boned a chick (no roofies were involved, I swear) and she wanted to hang out the next day and I was like, maybe we should do other stuff, and she immediately screamed “WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!?”
God damn women be trippin.
It would be 4 years before I plowed again.
But that Buffy chick, she gives that ass up like crazy. Kind of like the neighborhood bike, everyone gets a ride. Also like a shotgun, two cocks and she blows. There’s way more of those jokes but I think that’s enough. TILL FUCKIN NEXT TIME.
One of my favorite things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer is when they go to the Bronzer and watch Oz’s band When the Dingo Raped My Baby play and the lead singer sounds like the guy from Creed and wear’s a cut off belly shirt that shows off his chubby mid-section. So great. So fucking great.
My other favorite thing about Buntcake the Van Dryer Sprayer is all the dudes with long floppy hair, parted in the middle of their foreheads so it looks like butt cheeks. Holy fuck I live for that shit.
Oh look, fru fru British Vampiner Spike is back. You can tell he’s British because he says ‘bloody’ and ‘sod off’. ENGLAND EXPECTS THAT EVERY VAMPIRE WILL DO HIS DUTY.
Haha, doody.
The fraternity where Buffy goes is Gamma Alpha Phi. GAF. More like Gamma Alpha Upsilon, am I right? That spells GAY right? Maybe it doesn’t. Who gives a shit anyway, fraternities are for garbage eaters and silent rapists.
Shitty band no.2’s lead singer has X’s on her hands. Straight edge X’s on the backs of your hands are the worst thing ever. I remember assholes in college trying to be rawkin and punk and show off how they don’t need to be drunk to mosh pit and THEY WERE AWFUL PEOPLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION. The only time it is acceptable to straight edge your hands is if you tattoo that shit on and then inject heroin directly into the cross. Also hair-ron is the best way to say heroin.
The tension from Buffy and Spike’s big fight is obviated by the fact that I saw them both on the cover to the season 7 DVDs in Netflix. Oh well. SPOILER ALERT EVERYBODY.
It’s always funny to watch the fight scenes when you know that Buffy’s stunt double is some skinny dude in a blond wig and fake boobs. That must be a big moment in your career.
So this episode was all about relationships and what happens when two people have sex and when one sexual partner likes the other sexual partner in ways that aren’t reciprocated. And also how women get clingy as shit after porking. One time I boned a chick (no roofies were involved, I swear) and she wanted to hang out the next day and I was like, maybe we should do other stuff, and she immediately screamed “WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!?”
God damn women be trippin.
It would be 4 years before I plowed again.
But that Buffy chick, she gives that ass up like crazy. Kind of like the neighborhood bike, everyone gets a ride. Also like a shotgun, two cocks and she blows. There’s way more of those jokes but I think that’s enough. TILL FUCKIN NEXT TIME.
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