In which Angelo and Buffy plan to go to the Scurvydale prom but then Angelo finally realizes that his 400 years old and he’s sick of this daffy teenage cunt yapping in his ear all night long and goes out cruising for some hot new poon.
Just because Angelo is stuck in the body off a 20 year old, doesn’t mean it’s anything close to cool for him to bang a 16 year old. He’s 400 years old. That’s five times older than your grandfather. Angelo is Hugh Hefner raised to the power of creepy old wrinkly balls, holy jeez I want to lick em.
And do you think this is the first slayer he’s ever banged? There’s a new stacked young demon killer ever generation, and just like in the dreams of Matthew MacConaughey’s character from Dazed and Confused. Angelo can plow underage vag literally forever. Angelo can be waist deep in pink any time he wants. And Buffy is going to crumble into dust in the blink of an immortal’s eye. Why did no one realize this until know? Read a book you slobs, this shit is not a new concept.
Then Xander makes one very long and involved joke about how if he doesn’t get a date for the prom, he’s going to have to stay home and beat his dick off furiously. Good one, Xander, you fucking anal fissure.
Oh look, its a rubber-suited hell hound. And I just mentioned hell hounds in an earlier post. Whoop-de-damn-doo, as my pardner Derrick Coleman would say.
By the way, just what did high school senior girl Buffy Summer’s say to the foreman of the slaughterhouse to get him to give her the address of the boy who’s been ordering huge amounts of cow brains to feed his pet hell hound? Hello fat mustached blue collar guy in charge of the abattoir, let me ask you something, would you know where I might find another similar aged boy who has been purchasing a fuck ton of your finest bovine encephalo-meats? Sure little girl, here you go!
Holy farts, did they just pay for the rights to a pop song for the soundtrack? The DJ is playing Praise You by the very decent Fatboy Slim at the prom. Here’s a fun fact, I was into Fatboy Slim way before anyone else in the US was. That’s because I listened to Liquid Todd’s radio show, Solid State, on 92.3 K-Rock back in the day. Also I have impeccable taste. It’s true. Great fuckin taste of a champion.
So is that also why I listened to Pizzaman’s ‘Trippin on Sunshine’ before ‘Better Living Through Chemistry’ was released in the States, you ask? Why yes, yes it is. It’s also why I know that Liquid Todd deserves a far better fate then to have a his biggest hit be on the soundtrack to Rob Derpiddy-der’s movie ‘Hot Chicks’. Woof.
Then Bufflady gets an umbrella from her classmates (no, really), and that terrible song, Wild Horses, or whatever the fuck it is, plays and Buffstar and Angelo dance and ZZZZzzzzzz....
Next two episodes are the climactic climax of the season. Well, it can’t possibly get any more boring, so they’ve got that going for them.
Just because Angelo is stuck in the body off a 20 year old, doesn’t mean it’s anything close to cool for him to bang a 16 year old. He’s 400 years old. That’s five times older than your grandfather. Angelo is Hugh Hefner raised to the power of creepy old wrinkly balls, holy jeez I want to lick em.
And do you think this is the first slayer he’s ever banged? There’s a new stacked young demon killer ever generation, and just like in the dreams of Matthew MacConaughey’s character from Dazed and Confused. Angelo can plow underage vag literally forever. Angelo can be waist deep in pink any time he wants. And Buffy is going to crumble into dust in the blink of an immortal’s eye. Why did no one realize this until know? Read a book you slobs, this shit is not a new concept.
Then Xander makes one very long and involved joke about how if he doesn’t get a date for the prom, he’s going to have to stay home and beat his dick off furiously. Good one, Xander, you fucking anal fissure.
Oh look, its a rubber-suited hell hound. And I just mentioned hell hounds in an earlier post. Whoop-de-damn-doo, as my pardner Derrick Coleman would say.
By the way, just what did high school senior girl Buffy Summer’s say to the foreman of the slaughterhouse to get him to give her the address of the boy who’s been ordering huge amounts of cow brains to feed his pet hell hound? Hello fat mustached blue collar guy in charge of the abattoir, let me ask you something, would you know where I might find another similar aged boy who has been purchasing a fuck ton of your finest bovine encephalo-meats? Sure little girl, here you go!
Holy farts, did they just pay for the rights to a pop song for the soundtrack? The DJ is playing Praise You by the very decent Fatboy Slim at the prom. Here’s a fun fact, I was into Fatboy Slim way before anyone else in the US was. That’s because I listened to Liquid Todd’s radio show, Solid State, on 92.3 K-Rock back in the day. Also I have impeccable taste. It’s true. Great fuckin taste of a champion.
So is that also why I listened to Pizzaman’s ‘Trippin on Sunshine’ before ‘Better Living Through Chemistry’ was released in the States, you ask? Why yes, yes it is. It’s also why I know that Liquid Todd deserves a far better fate then to have a his biggest hit be on the soundtrack to Rob Derpiddy-der’s movie ‘Hot Chicks’. Woof.
Then Bufflady gets an umbrella from her classmates (no, really), and that terrible song, Wild Horses, or whatever the fuck it is, plays and Buffstar and Angelo dance and ZZZZzzzzzz....
Next two episodes are the climactic climax of the season. Well, it can’t possibly get any more boring, so they’ve got that going for them.
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