Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Buffy S5E13 Pud Fries

In which fake little Buffy learns she’s a pathetic charade of a human and might a well go draw a warm bath and open a couple veins.

I feel asleep half way through this one but managed to at least turn it off right before I dozed off. Now, a week later, I’m picking this episode up where I left off, and I have no idea what’s going on. I’m also trying to abstain from caffeine today to get my sleep schedule back to normal. So what I’m saying is this is probably going to be a really boring recap. Hey at least I warned you.

Don’s PMS is really out of control today. Take some Motrin, will you?

I think this is supposed to be a allegory for kids being adopted and needing to know where they came from, since that seems to be Don’s problem. Being conjured from thin air is probably more traumatic than most real people’s adoption issues, but then I’m neither so it’s tough to make that kind of judgement.

Apparently there are 3 sides to Saltydale, center of the city, East side and West side. Um, yeah, that’s all I got. See, fucking boring, right?

I think the first half of this episode was all about Spike trying to woo Buffy like a spaz. What a dumb plot development that’s clearly strictly for the fanboys (fangirls more likely). Also I think I remember some shit about the Knights of Byzantium Society for Creative Anachronisms. And maybe some crap with the evil god from the bitch dimension (that was Buffy’s line, nice one Boophee!).

And then Dawnn Ba Dooby Dawn walks her skinny ass right into the clutches of super sexy hillbilly God Gloaree. Glorgy needs bigger boobs. That’s just my professional opinion as an professional FBI (Federal Booby Inspector) Agent. Holy fucking shit was that joke terrible.

Uh oh, looks like bitch god is going to kill fake little Buffy, but then lesbo witch twins throw glitter on her (no really) and speak Latin and teleport her miles away and miles above Los Angeles. Pretty unipotent god if you ask me. I mean talk about your chump styles.

Well now, that wans’t so fucking bad, was it? Yeah probably it was. Sue me.

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