Monday, April 4, 2011

Buffy S7E15 Get that Pud

In which Buffy trips balls with some mystical aboriginal dudes of the African lands.

The dorks open a portal to the olden days with some magical sundial and the Buffy learns that the very first slayer was created by some ancient African geezers. Then she tells them to all go fuck off. Then Willow does some fucking magic and Spike beats up a fucking demon and theyre all stlll going to fucking die in a hell storm of hell fire from hell. Hell hath no fury like hell, you know.

After looking it up on Whoopedia, thats most of it again. This is an origin episode where the writer’s finally get off their lazy duffs and get around to explaining why the fuck slayers exist and all the other raison detrees for the whole series. Something about voodoo and taking some evil and putting it in little girls to help fight evil. I dunno, all sounds like more not so subtle pedophilic overtones if you axe me.

And while Buffylo 66 explains everything with expository scenes and ooga booga campfire dances, a demon is also on the loose to give the show the minimum required fight scenes per episode. And S-club Pike saves the day! Hooray for tenderhearted vampiles and their good will toward huge manatees!

And there’s a bad ass scene where one of the slaybies calls it a life and hangs herself in the bedroom. Come on, slaybie! Pull! Pull! You mean to tell me you can’t do one single neck pull up? You are a worthless piece of shit, recruit! Get outta my face!

That’s about all I can think to talk about. Plus my caffeine buzz is wearing off. It’s also Saturday afternoon so I’ll probably just start drinking. Hey look, Dances with Wolves is on Epix. Nice. John Dumb Bear is a true American hero. Ta fucking Tonka motherfuckers.

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