Monday, December 20, 2010

Buffy S2E13 Supplies!

In which Angel finally bends Buffy over, grabs her shoulder and slips his peter inside her folder.

So Mary Poppins the Vampire’s name is Drusilla? As in rhymes with Godzilla? Well that’s dumb.

Also dumb, Seth Green’s character’s name is Oz. Fuck that. Oz is the name of one of the first bad ass R rated serialized dramas on tv, a show crammed to the gills with drugs, murder and prison rapes. Such an august and proud name is not to be sullied by 5 foot tall walking dildo. Although Can’t Hardly Wait is a pretty underrated movie.

Wait, was that a Widespread Panic poster up in the high school hallway? Kind of an obscure college band for a late 90’s teen sci drama for middle schoolers, no? That almost makes up for the constant bombardment of the slang term “wigging” for freaking out. Almost. And Drewzilla’s horrible acting. Where’d they find this scrub?

Now Gienni Kalundur is a gypsy whose family holds an ancient grudge with Angelo, the pussy whipped vampire do-gooder? Maybe I should be paying more attention. Like to the new rubber suited bad guy named The Judge. He’s blue skinned and has horns and wears, from what I can tell, Oscar the Grouch’s home for armor. And Buffy and Angel don’t vanguish him this episode but they do manage to bone. Now THAT is some intra-species miscegenation I can get behind.

Say, vampires have no breath and no reflection, do they still have sperms? Can they get boners? Probably, right? I mean they still have blood, so they can still get stiffies, I’d imagine. So is banging humans like a step up for them? Like something they’d brag about to other vampires? So many questions.

And then the motherfucker ends with a ‘to be continued’. Bitch, I didn’t see no ‘part 1’ in the title. Fuck this shit.

Also it’s Buffy’s god damn birthday, and is now legal to bone in nearly all 50 states. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLUT.

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