Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Buffy S2E22 Becunnilingus Partido Duo

In which Buffy turns her back on Cunnydale and walks away like the no good, low down, yellow bellied, slime suckin, mother lovin, gold darn, sonovagun coward she is, you fuckin bitch, Buffy.

Finally finished with season two and I really don’t feel like writing anything about it. Felt too much like a chore. But season two was a massive improvement over season two and I would like to see if that trend continues. Whedon’s done enough all right stuff since to give him the benefit of the doubt. As I've mentioned, I am not the target audience of this show, even though I was in high school when it came out, and I do not thing the show has aged well, campy special effects notwithstanding.

So anyway, what the fuck happened here. Buffy was finally forced to tell her mom she’s a slayer, something she should have down in the very first episode, but at least it’s finally happening. Buffy teams up with Spike to kill Angelo and Buffy succeeds, sending Angleman to hell where he belongs (wait, doesn’t he get his own spin off series? Does that take place in hell? Because that might actually be awesome). I think Spike is still evil and still has a terrible name but who can take him seriously since he speaks like a British fop and spent the last bunch of episodes whining in his wheelchair like a great big bitch. And, something about the rest of the teen detective dork squad and pederast Giles, I’m not sure. Whatever. Then Buffy leaves Sumatradale for good.


I guess we’ll find out in season 3, because I’m a glutton for punishment, but not before I watch a motherfuck ton of episodes of the Shield. Glen Close is the new captain you say? Well that sounds all right, let’s do that.

Season 2 grade: C. C- when Seth Green’s character and band are factored in. C+ when compared against putrid season 1.

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