Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Buffy S5E7 A Stool for Loaf

In which it which it is revealed that Spiked used to be a massive pussy before being bleaching his hair and becoming a vampire.

I’ll be honest, not that I would have any reason to lie here, but anyway, I feel asleep toward the beginning of this episode and woke up for the last scene, where Spike and Buffy are friends now, or something. So I looked up the plot on the internet and it actually looks fairly interesting, pertaining to Spike’s origin and the last two demon killing poon queens he slayed. I’m not going to view it again though, because I downloaded the first season of Justified and it straight up fucking owns so now I have bigger fish to fry.

So I’ll never see the scenes from jolly old England where Spike transmogrifies from a foppish bellend to wise cracking cockney hellraiser. Which is fine, because watching him change accents for no fucking reason whatsoever would have infuriated me. Can you imagine if they tried that with American vampires? At first you sound like every other typical suburban douche bag but then you get bit and you turn into a country bumkin! Or you start saying you gotta wawk yer dawg aroun da mawl. It’s fucking ridiculous.

I’ll also never see the flashbacks when Spike kills two random slayers at two different times in history. Whatever. The whole wimp becomes bad ass origin story is played. I’ll give credit to Buffy for using it well before the dum dums at Marvel turns Wolverine’s character into a complete joke, but I don’t feel like I’m missing much.

Also all slayers have death wishes. Now this actually does sound interesting. I look forward to seeing a pathetic, depressed Slayer that has given up life, who hopefully decides to drink herself into oblivion, a la Leaving Las Vegas (which my one friend describes as his ‘Rocky’), in the ensuing episodes.


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