Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Buffy S4E17 Soup or SARS

In which the midget sized suicidal guy from that earlier season and also the last season of Mad Men is back and is still a total weiner.

One can only assume that this whole episode is one big gimmick involving the ultimate fantasy of the wiener kid who wanted to off himself in one of the previous seasons. He’s also practically dwarvish. I’m sorry but I am incredibly racist against short people and I don’t like this horrible midget sucking up all this screen time. I hope the twist at the end is that he’s actually dead and this was all his final thoughts going through is smaller than average head before all brain activities cease forever. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE SHORT PERSON YOU MAKE ME SICK.

Hey how could they make the Bronze and even worse place? I know, get a horribly dated swing band to play in zoot suits. And I forgot to mention how in one of the previous episode at the Bronze they had puzzles and board games stacked in the background next to a spinner rack full of paperback books. What is this, a music club or a preteen fucking rec center? THIS STUPID PLACE IS MORE UNREALISTIC THAN THE GOD DAMN DEMONS AND VAMPIRES.

This episode really sucks right now. I think I must have missed something too because midget guy is still acting like James Bond the rockstar without any explanation and it’s almost half way over. Whatever, I’m going to go read about sports while this is playing.

Cyborg Franks and Steins says it’s all a magical dream. Great, what a waste of time the last 25 minutes have been.


You know what would be a better premise for an episode than this crap? (this is also a dream scenario for just about every show I’ve ever seen). Some demon casts a magical spell to make every word that comes out of everyone’s mouth sound like a fart. But the people don’t hear the farts, they hear the words and sentences that everyone means to say. But we as the audience just hear farts. A whole hour of farts. Tell me that wouldn’t be brilliant. It would be brilliant. It would be brilliant as fuck.

The wrap up is as corny and unrelatable as you’d expect. I WAS ALSO LED TO BELIEVE FROM THE TITLE THAT WE WOULD SEE AN APPEARANCE OF MARY KATHERINE GALLAGHER. WHY WAS I MISLED IN SUCH A CRUEL AND UNNECESSARY MANNER? Motherfuck this episode up its motherfucking butt.

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